China Eastern plane crash: 东航班机失事
Our condolences to all the victims and their families who lost loved ones: 我们悼念所有的遇难者、向他们的家属致哀
Our thoughts and prayers are with them:我们惦记着他们,为他们祷告、祈福
Sad: 悲哀的
Painful: 痛苦的
Terrible: 可怕的
Tragic: 悲惨的
It's just so sad: 实在太悲哀了
So terrible: 非常可怕
So heartbreaking:太让人心碎了
So tragic: 非常悲惨
It's inexplicable:无法解释的(伤痛)
Inexplicably (副词) + tragic, sad: 无法解释的伤痛、悲惨
There are no words for it: 没有言语能够表达
I'm so sorry to hear that: 听到噩耗,我非常难过
I'm so sorry for your loss:对你的损失深表痛心
I'm so sorry for the lives lost: 哀悼逝去的生命
My condolences: 节哀顺变, 请接受我的吊唁
My thoughts and prayers are with you/them: 我会惦记你/你们/他们,为你们祈福
I don't know what I can do to help. But if there's anything, please let me know:虽然我不知道能做些什么,但是只要你有任何需要,随时告诉我
I know there's nothing I can say or do to make up for your loss, but I'm here whenever you need me: 我知道不论我说什么、做什么都无法弥补你的损失,但是只要你需要,我随时都在这里
Let me know if you ever need someone to talk to: 如果你想找人说说话,随时告诉我
A shoulder to cry on: 让你靠着哭泣的肩膀
I just wanted to let you know that I'm here/there for you: 我只想告诉你,我在这里陪伴你
Grieve: 悲痛、伤痛(动词)
We are all grieving the collective loss: 这是我们集体的损失,大家都在悲痛中