Many people are going back to the office in North America: 北美许多人终于回到办公室上班
Many have realized they miss working in the office: 很多人发现自己非常想念在办公室上班
Many used to wish they didn't have to go into the office: 很多人之前盼望着不用天天去公司
"Be careful what you wish for."许愿需谨慎(英语的一句俗语)
Adam and Jenny will share why they miss going to the office: Adam和Jenny要分享他们为什么想念办公室的日子
Work: 工作。是名词也是动词;既可形容实际的工作产出,也可形容较抽象的工作这个大概念
Office: 办公室,更强调地点
Work from home: 居家办公,常缩写为WFH
Hybrid work: 混合办公模式(员工一周可在家几天、在公司几天)
Top 10 things we miss about going to work
More structured work days and more efficiency: 一天更有结构性、更有效率
Easier to enter work mode, less distraction than from home: 更容易进入工作模式,不像家里有那么多能让人分心的东西
Easier to communicate and collaborate with co-workers: 跟同事沟通、协作更方便
Social element (co-workers, potential dates): 社交元素(与同事之间的友情、或者潜在的恋爱机会)
Face to face time with boss, better career prospects: 能直接跟老板接触,更多晋升机会
Get plugged in about things (information) instead of just doing your work. Know the context: 消息更灵通,不只是一个人闷头工作。更清楚事情的背景、方方面面相关信息
Better work infrastructure and office perks: 公司办公条件更好、各种软性福利(办公环境好、伙食好等等)
Easier to control weight? 比较容易控制体重?(因人而异。有些人说公司伙食太多,上班容易发胖。有些人则相反,在家里管不住嘴)
Simply get out of the house: 能从家里出去,不是整天闷在家里
Get away from kids/spouse and have some personal space: 暂时离开孩子、配偶,有些个人空间
There are always 2 sides to a coin: 事情都有正反面
All the above reasons can also be reasons for hating work: 以上所有这些原因也可以成为负面的
Balance is key: 平衡最关键