All eyes on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics: 全球瞩目北京2022冬奥会
Only China can pull it off:只有中国办得到
I'm an Olympics junkie:我是奥运迷
I love watching everything! 我所有项目都爱看
Go Team China! 中国奥运军团加油!
Teenagers making history for China on snow:不到二十岁的小将创造历史
Ailing Gu: 谷爱凌
Took gold in freestyle ski big air: 夺得自由式滑雪大跳台金牌
Cool as a cucumber under pressure: 重压之下,处之泰然
Su Yiming won silver medal in men's snowboarding slopestyle: 苏翊鸣赢得单板滑雪坡面障碍技巧银牌
China also took gold in short track speed skating: 中国在传统优势项目短道速滑也拿下金牌
Mascot: 吉祥物
Bing Dwen Dwen: 冰墩墩
Opening ceremony: 开幕式
A more minimal show: 更简洁的开幕式
From showcasing "me" to "us":从展现“我”到展现“我们”
Every snowflake is unique: 每片雪花都是独特的
A micro flame (an Olympic torch) instead of a roaring flame: 微火,而不是熊熊大火
An environmental message of low carbon, low emission: 低碳环保的理念
The 24 solar terms:24节气
The perfect fusion of Chinese elements in the opening ceremony and venue design: 中国元素完美融合于开幕式、场馆设计上
The events: 项目
The games: 比赛
The competition: 比赛、竞争
The competition is fierce: 比赛竞争非常激烈
Athletes: 运动员
Olympians: 奥运选手
Ice events 冰上项目
Figure skating: 花样滑冰
Men's figure skating:男子花滑
Women's figure skating:女子花滑
Pairs figure skating: 双人花滑
Speed skating: 速度滑冰
Short track speed skating: 短道速滑
Hockey: 冰球
Curling: 冰壶,比赛用壶叫curling stones
Luge: 无舵雪橇
Bobsleigh/bobsled: 有舵雪橇
Snow events: 雪上项目
Alpine skiing:高山滑雪
Cross country skiing: 越野滑雪
Ski jumping: 跳台滑雪
Freestyle skiiing: 自由式滑雪
Big air: 大跳台
Halfpipe: U型场地技巧
Slopestyle: 坡面障碍技巧
上面这三个项目也用在单板滑雪上, 苏翊鸣此次参加两项
Snowboarding: 单板滑雪
Big air: 大跳台
Halfpipe: U型场地技巧
Slopestyle: 坡面障碍技巧
Let's all enjoy the Olympics!