“When I’m just waking up I like to keep a space for my own thoughts and ideas. Checking my phone is not a priority of mine.” – Andre D. Wagner
"当我刚刚醒来时,我喜欢为自己的思想和想法保留一些空间。检查手机不是我的首要任务。" — 安德烈·D·瓦格纳
标题:Get out in Nature|去户外走走|Day 25
Being out in nature every day can be a very healing experience, as well as helping you feel more refreshed for the day ahead. Even if you don't live in a place with lots of nature, even going for a walk outside for fresh air can greatly improve your mornings, mood, and even overall health. You can even incorporate nature time with other parts of your morning routine like reading. Try some ways below that you can include nature time into your mornings, add your own ideas and check them off as you try them.