One of the things that separates confident from diffident people is their approach to history. Broadly-speaking, the unconfident believe that history is over; the confident trust that it's still in the process of being made – one day possibly by themselves.
1.separate 分离
separate (v.) 分离
2.confident 确信的
confident (adj.) 确信的
confidence (n.) 自信
confidential (adj.) 机密的
3.diffident 缺乏自信的
diffident (adj.) 缺乏自信的
diffidence (n.) 缺乏自信
4.approach 接近、靠近
approach (v.) 接近、靠近
approachable (n.) 可接近的
5.process 过程
process (n.) 过程
processor (n.) 处理器