We hesitate to be cold and try to be nice because we are sentimental. The essence of sentimentality is the desire to be liked, even by those you don't like and can no longer be bothered with. It's a narcissistic longing to continue to receive the emotion of love without wanting to pay for it.
1.hesitate 犹豫、踌躇
hesitate (v.) 犹豫、踌躇
hesitation (n.) 犹豫
2.sentimental 多愁善感的、感情用事的
sentimental (adj.) 多愁善感的、感情用事的
sentimentality (n.) 多愁善感、感伤
3.essence 本质、要素;香精、精油
essence (n.) 本质、要素;香精、精油
4.can't be bothered 懒得做、完全不想费力去做某事
can't be bothered (phr.) 懒得做、完全不想费力去做某事
5.narcissistic 自我陶醉的、自恋的
narcissistic (adj.) 自我陶醉的、自恋的
narcissism (n.) 自我陶醉、孤芳自赏,自恋