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你的英语很棒 Your English is so good

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Sara: Thomas your English is so good. How did you learn it?

萨沙: 托马斯,你的英语很好。你是怎么学的呢?
Thomas :Well, in my country everyone has to take English starting in the first grade. I've been taking English courses for 12 years now.
托马斯: 嗯,在我们国家,每个人都要从一年级就开始学英语。到现在为止,我学英语已经 12 年啦。
Sara: Wow, that's interesting. I remember when we took that trip last year and visited your family. It seemed like there weren't many people that could speak with me in English.
萨沙: 哇,很有趣。我记得我们去年去那儿旅游,去你们家做客。看起来好像没有很多人能用英语和我交谈。
Thomas:Oh, that's because they don't speak English that much.
Sara:But they speak it in school, right? Maybe they just didn't like me so they didn't want to talk to me.
萨沙: 但是他们在学校里说, 是吧?或许他们不喜欢我, 所以他们不想和我讲话。
Thomas :No, actually they liked you a lot. They told me they thought you were very nice. They are just shy. They're not use to talking with foreigners. I remember when I first came to the U.S. I was really nervous about speaking with people.
托马斯: 不是的。事实上他们很喜欢你。他们告诉我说他们觉得你很好。他们只是太害羞啦,他们不习惯和外国人讲话。我记得我第一次来美国时,跟人们讲话时我真的很紧张。
Sara:I see. I thought there were lots of Americans teaching English in your country.
萨沙: 我明白啦。我以为很多美国人在你们国家教英语呢。
Thomas:Yes, that's true. There are probably twice as many now as there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. My family lives in the country.
托马斯: 是的,没错儿。或许现在美国老师的数量比五年前多了一倍。但是他们大多都在城市里,我家在农村。
Sara:I wonder why. Personally I prefer the country to the city. It's so quiet and peaceful. If I were to teach, I would want to teach in the country.
萨沙: 我在想是什么原因。和城市比起来,我个人倒更喜欢农村。很安静平和。如果我去教书的话,我倒想去农村教。
Thomas :Do you think you would want to teach someday? I know the schools around my town are looking for teachers, so if you want I can call them and get more information.
托马斯: 你觉得你以后会去教书吗?我知道在我家附近的一些城镇的学校在找老师,如果你想去那儿教书的话,我可以打电话给他们,多了解一些情况。
Sara:No, I don't think so. I would need to stay there for a year, and I don't think I can take that much time off work.
萨沙: 不用啦,我不去。我还要在那儿呆一年,我觉得我休不了那么个长假。
Thomas:Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I think you would be a really great teacher.
托马斯: 哦,如果你改变主意的话,告诉我一声。我觉得你会成为一个很好的老师。




