我有个朋友最近想买车,她看中了一辆敞篷车,可是这车的车评并不好。我给她看了关于这辆车耗油和需要维修的车评,可她竟然听都不听,就想买这辆车!忽略这些可是买车的大忌。这也让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是: brush off.
Brush是刷的意思,brush off, 刷掉,引伸出来就是“忽略,不理睬”的意思。上面的例子中, my friend shouldn't brush off the poor ratings of the convertible. 我朋友不应该忽略这辆敞篷车很差的车评。
在下面的例子里,这对夫妇可真不应该忽略检查人员给他们的忠告!到底发生了什么呢? 我们来听一听:
例句-1:The homeowners were told by inspectors that they ought to move their home further from the river. Instead, they went ahead with plans to add a second story. When a terrible storm hit a year later, the river flooded. And the house was destroyed. If the couple hadn't brushed off those safety warnings, they wouldn't have lost their property.
比如我有个好朋友,是个服装设计师,特有才,但是刚开始创业的头几年,很多人都说她肯定不会成功,好在,she brushed off all the bad reviews, 她对这些负面评论根本不予理睬,结果才有了今天。
要是碰上下面例子里的这位Phil,可就倒霉喽! 我们来听听看Phil是个什么样的人:
例句-2:Phil hasn't had many steady girlfriends. That's because they don't like the way he treats them. After a couple of nice dates, he expects them to always be available for him. Yet he rarely makes the effort to return their calls or text messages. Why should they want to stay with a guy who brushes them off?
这些女孩子做得对!不值得跟一个整天不把自己当回事的人在一起。大家可能已经发现了,这句话中说, Phil often brushes them off. Brush somebody off, 就是忽略某人的意思。比如,she's been telling her husband to see a dentist for his bad teeth, but he keeps brushing me off. 我让我老公赶紧去看看那颗烂牙,可他却把我的话当耳边风。