Why are we attracted or repelled by certain sorts of styles? The best way to interpret this is via a theory of compensation. We're all a bit unbalanced inside, and get attracted to styles in the world that promise to compensate us for the things that we're lacking within.
1.attract 吸引
attract (v.) 吸引
attraction (n.) 吸引力
attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的
2.repel 抵制
repel (v.) 抵制
rebel (n.) 反抗军
rebellious (adj.) 叛逆的
3.certain 肯定的
certain (adj.) 肯定的
certainly (adv.) 肯定地
4.interpret 诠释
interpret (v.) 诠释
interpretation (n.) 口译
5.compensation 补偿
compensation (n.) 补偿
compensate (v.) 补偿
6.lack 缺少
lack (v.) 缺少
lake (n.) 湖
luck (n.) 运气
slack (adj.) 松弛的、懒散的