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英语俚语天天说 第143期:让老美抓狂的的那些词你造么?

来源:可可英语 编辑:clover   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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like 烦人程度:XX

本意:动词,喜欢;介词,像 烦人意思:没有意义的一个词,多用于青少年之间,填补说话中词与词之间的空白,相当于um 举例: 烦人说法:Yeah, like, I think, like, she is, like, sooooooo cool and, like, dreamy. 正常说法:Yes,I think she is so cool and dreamy. 是的,我觉得她很酷,而且很漂亮。

seriously 烦人程度:XXX

意思:说正经的;或者在口语中代替yes 举例: "That movie was pretty good." "Seriously."

you know 烦人程度:XXX

本意:你知道 烦人意思:Are you still listening? 举例: 烦人说法: Someday I&`&ll, you know, be living, you know, like in Maui, you know, and I&`&ll be, you know, just havin, you know, a good, you know, time.

正常说法:Some day I&`&ll be living in Maui and I&`&ll be having a good time.

Just saying 烦人程度:XXXX

意思:没事,我就说说 举例:

Guy 1: "Yeah, John is a pretty hard character to deal with in the company."

Guy 2: "There&`&s a reason he&`&s the manager." Guy 1: "Just saying." 注:真的没事的话你干吗要说这句话呢...

whatever 烦人程度:XXXXX

意思:代词,无论什么 烦人意思:我不在乎 举例:

Sam: I am the best in Math because I keep getting straight A&`&s!

Greg: Whatever!

Jack: "Wow, what happend to you? You look like hell today!"

Jill: "Whatever"




