be down one's alley
A:Finding an excuse is obviously down your alley. And trying to avoid taking care of the children is what you are good at.
A: 你最擅长的就是找错口。不去照顾孩子也是你的专利。
B: Listen, Nancy. If I don't work hard, I will he laid off.
A: You're passing the buck. I'll be hanged if I ask you to go to the park with us.
A: 你又推卸责任了,我绝不会让你陪我们去公园的。
B: Come on, Nancy. Play it cool. I go with you and burn the middle night oil tonight.
B: 好了,南希,你冷静点。我和你们一起去,今天晚上熬熬夜就行了。