Exercise 5-2:
Sounds Comparing L with T, D, and N
Repeat after me,
first down and then across.
1. At the beginning of a word
law low lee
gnaw know knee
taw toe tea
daw dough D
law gnaw taw daw
low know toe dough
lee knee tea D
2. In the middle of a word
belly caller alley
Benny Conner Annie's
Betty cotter at ease
belly Benny Betty
caller Conner cotter
alley Annie's at ease
3. At the end of a word
A hole hold hone hoed
call called con cod
B fill full fool fail
fell feel fuel furl
Repeat the last group of words.
fill full fool fail
fell feel fuel furl
Once you are comfortable with your tongue in this position, let it just languish there while you continue vocalizing,
which is what a native speaker does.
Exercise 5-3: