be up in arms about / over sth------对...大动肝火
Hello, everyone! 欢迎大家来到小强英语! 在中文中,形容一个人非常恼火,我们会说“某人大动肝火”,在英语当中也有类似的表示“大动肝火”的短语——be up in arms,通常的搭配为 "be up in arms about / over sth". 以后表达“很生气”就不要只是“very angry”,可以用"be up in arms "。我们来看一下例句:
The boss is up in arms about the company’s poor sales record in the past few months.
Residents are up in arms about a plan that the government prepares to build a factory, which will pollute the local river.
本期我们学习了“大动肝火”的英语表达"be up in arms (about/over sth.)",希望大家好好记住这个实用的短语。不过大家平常与人相处可要控制自己的情绪,大动肝火易伤人又伤己。好了,本期的节目到此结束,我们下期再会。与小强互动,请关注新浪微博@小强英语!