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相约美剧,学生活口语第1期:Telephone call打电话找人

来源:可可英语 编辑:Richard   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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本文选自Ugly Betty《丑女贝蒂》,欢迎大家来此做客。
Bianchi: Bianchi Gallery.
Betty: I'm not sure if you can help me, but I'm trying to reach Vincent Bianchi.
Bianchi: You got him.
Betty: Oh, OK. Wow. I wasn't expecting this ... Um ... I thought I was gonna have to leave a message.
Bianchi: You wanna call back? I could let the machine pick up.
Betty: No! No, no. No. OK, Mr. Bianchi, I am a really big fan of yours. That cover shoot you did for Rolling Stone... Wow, that was amazing.
Bianchi: Thanks. You have excellent taste. How can I help you?
Betty: Well, I'm calling about your availability for a magazine shoot...
Bianchi: You gotta go through my rep for that, Sheila Cordova.
Betty: You know, you and I, we went to the same high school.
Bianchi: Huh?
Betty: Queensborough High, right? Class of 9?
Bianchi: Do I know you?
Betty: No, no, no. We didn't go at the same time. Actually, my name is Betty Suarez. Class of 2002. But, it turns out that you and me, we grew up from blocks from each other. I live of Roosevelt.
Bianchi: You're a Jackson Heights girl, huh?
Betty: Uh-huh.
Bianchi: You don't say.
I practically live at Astoria Lemon Ice. You know that doughnut place two blocks down? That's where I grew up. I worked there every summer in high school and it burnt down. Now it's a deli. It's pretty good, but...
Bianchi: Not as good as SaI's though, huh?
Betty: On 87th? Oh, my gosh, like the best sausage and pepper hero on the eastern seaboard.
Bianchi: Just the smell of those could get me high. I haven't thought about those in a long time. So, Betty Suarez, OK, you've got me hungry and curious. What is this job you wanted to talk to me about?
Betty: Well, I work at Mode magazine and my boss, Daniel Meade, was wondering ...Hello?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

mode [məud]


n. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴

availability [ə.veilə'biliti]


n. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)






