1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
What color is your car/swater/room? 你的汽车/毛衣/房间是什么颜色?
2、 学来就用 Let’s practice
achievement n.成就
accomplishment n. 成就
What do you feel your greatest achievement as been at your current job?
I think my greatest accomplishment has been acquiring the Hisinse account.
That certainly is quiet an accomplishment.
It took year to that count.
What’s your biggest accomplishment on the job?
I think it would have to be to building teams spirit among my co-workers.
How did you do that?
It was a gradual progress involving many factors.
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
a. Would teach me English? 你能教我英语吗?
b. No problem.没问题。
c. I am self-taught.我是自学。
d. Would you teach me English? 你能教我英语吗?
e. Not at all./ Of course.当然可以。
f. I have been trying sometime. 我已经试着学习有一阵子了。
g. Can you work with me on my English? 你能指导我英语吗?
h. I think it would be fine.我想那应该很好玩。
A:Did you go to school to learn English?
B:No.I am self-taught.
A: I think you speak pretty good.
B:I need much more work.
A:Would you mind teaching me English?
B:Not at all.I didn't know you wanted to learn.
A:Oh,yes.I have been trying sometime.
B:I have been trying sometime.