学术评价体系 academic appraisal system
Shao Hong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body, also called for the establishment of an academic appraisal system with less emphasis on quantity of academic papers and awards.
上面的报道中,academic appraisal system就是“学术评价体系”,appraisal一般都做“评估、评价”的意思,如graduation appraisal(毕业鉴定)、mass appraisal(批量评估)等。
目前的学术评价体系对论文数量和获奖数量等都有一个刚性的要求,使得不少学者gear towards quick success and instant benefit(急功近利),导致academic misconduct(学术不端行为)屡见不鲜。邵鸿委员建议成立supervising body(监督机构)对academic fraud(学术腐败)进行监督,对不端行为要采取zero tolerance(零容忍)态度。