He spent nearly two months building his "egg house" in his hometown, a village in southeast Hunan that is around 1,700 kilometers from Beijing. It then cost Dai more than 3,000 yuan to ship his home from his village to the courtyard outside his company's office.
在上面的报道中,egg house(蛋屋)就是戴海飞建造的compact mobile home(袖珍活动住房)。在遭遇自然灾害的地区,会给灾民运送prefabricated house(活动板房),这种活动板房和makeshift shelters(简易过渡房)一样都是属于temporary dwellings(过渡安置房)。而如今北漂青年也住起了mobile house(活动住房),是因为first-tier city(一线城市)的房价和房租实在太高。
住房问题催生的新型房屋还有capsule department(胶囊公寓),这种dwelling in a narrow space(蜗居)现象和大城市里超高的housing vacancy rate(住房空置率)形成了鲜明对比。