scratch vt. 抓;挠,搔
He scratched the insect bite on his leg (with his nails).
itchy a. 痒的
I must have been bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy.
come down with (something) 生病,染上……病
lightheaded a. 头昏眼花的
chicken pox n. 水痘
contagious a.(有)传染性的
rash n. 皮疹
allergy n. 过敏症
in the meantime与此同时
biohazard n. 生物危害
blow (something) out of proportion 夸大某事
flu n.流感
cold n.感冒
fever n. 发烧
nauseous a.恶心的
allergic a.过敏的