3. To play fast and loose 不负责任、不靠谱
从字面上来解释,to play就是:玩,fast就是:快,loose用在这里,它的意思就是:轻率的,不在意的。要是说一个人play fast and loose,那这个人就是不负责任的,靠不住的,因为他对周围的人毫不关心,要是信任这样的人那就是大错特错了。To play fast and loose这个习惯用语往往用在男女之情方面。比如说,谈恋爱的一方对对方并不十分真诚,而只是想利用对方。这种情况就可以说是to play fast and loose。
For example:
I feel sorry for Mary - Jim has been playing fast and loose with her affections too long. Why doesn't she make up her mind once and for all, and just get rid of the man?