I changed my mind at the last minute.
你相不相信个性决定命运呢?有些人天生举棋不定,三心两意,连吃饭点菜都拿不定主意,最后还是乱点一通。对于这些经常改变主意的人,他们常把这句话挂在嘴边:I changed my mind at the last minute. (我在最后一分钟改变主意),有时候,你也可揶揄他说:Does it work any better?(这样子比较好吗?)。谈到终身大事,就不能用change my mind这么简单。举例说:What happened to Joey? She's supposed to get married last week.(祖儿发生什么事?她应该在上星期结婚)原来她变了心(She had a change of heart) 。
改变主意,往往是重新考虑的结果。这‘重新考虑’英文叫second thought(s),例如:At first I supported the proposal, but on second thoughts I decided against it.(最初我支持那建议,但重新考虑之后,决定反对)。英谚说:Second thoughts are best.(三思而行,是最好的)。留意on second thoughts的决定,总是和最初的决定不同。
三思而行,不等于犹豫不决。犹豫不决,英文叫做in two minds,例如:I'm in two minds about the job offer.(接不接受那职位,我拿不定主意)。当然,假如前度恋人会做你的上司,不接受或可免尴尬。‘前度恋人’英文俗称old flame(旧的火焰),颇为有趣。