冰岛火山喷发 学相关词汇
地震: earthquake
救援: rescue
救援小组: rescue team
紧急救援: emergency rescue
帐篷: tent
救灾物资: disaster relief materials
灾民: victims of a natural calamity
幸存者: survival或 survivor
受灾者: victims
志愿者: volunteer
爱心捐赠: the caring donation
捐款短信: the message of donation
义务献血: donate blood
默哀: observe silence
震级: earthquake magnitude
赈灾晚会: fund-raising show
手电筒: flashlight
灾区: disaster area
一连串余震: A series of tremors
人民解放军: People's Liberation Army
1. medical staff
2. medical personnel
救灾物资:sleeping bags, tents, medicines, food and clothing