I held up my end of deal.我最终实现了我的承诺。
The company wants the card back, period. 公司要把卡收回来,仅此而已。
You worry about getting your ass back in that seat in time. 你们注意准时回到这边座位上就行了。
【“get one's ass干嘛的”经常在日常对话中听见,往往不是特别友好、带有命令式的情绪在里头。】
In and out. 快去快回/速战速决。
I've jumped through all your hoops. 我已经完全照你说的去做了。
If Sara could weigh in right now, She'd tell me not to kill you. 如果莎拉能在这儿,她会告诉我说不要杀了你。
【weigh in在这里是“参与”的意思。T_T 嗯哪,莎拉姐姐素好人……我们家的姐姐们都是人道主义者~~OTZ(请大家无视七)】
You kept him at the tip of the spear. 你给了他锋芒毕露的机会。
amigo . Gracias . signor . Adios .
It's like the company's black book. 有点儿像是公司的黑名单。
Where I come from, there's something called a blood feud. 我来的地方,那里有的是深仇大恨。
The only way this is going to work is via freelancer, off the books. 唯一的方法是通过完全秘密的方式,暗箱操作。
I'll take a pass. 我不干。
He should be touching ground any time now. 他这会儿就快明白事情缘由了。
【一开始以为touch ground是指飞机降落啦到达之类的意思咧,不过估计也不是不可能……顺便说一句Linclon跑来了那他们家LJ跟Sofia哪儿去了?总觉得那孩子会俄狄浦斯的,没法子某两人看着实在年龄很大距离啊……】
You know why Scofield gets all twisted up when he's around me? We're the same, and he just can't stand it. Drives his ass crazy. We got the same brilliant mind, The same natural-born leader tendency, The same one-in-a-million-typecharisma, yes? He just gonna look down his nose at me?