Roll in: to arrive in great numbers or amounts 大量涌入;滚滚而来
Offers of help are still rolling in. 仍然不断有人表示愿意提供援助.
Clear up: of the weather 天气 to become fine or bright 转晴;放晴;变晴朗
I hope it clears up this afternoon. 我希望今天下午天气放晴.
hold your own (against somebody/something) (in something): to remain in a strong position when somebody is attacking you, competing with you, etc. 坚守立场;(使自己)立于不败之地
Business isn't good but we're managing to hold our own. 生意不景气,但我们正设法坚持下去.
She can hold her own against anybody in an argument. 她在辩论中不会让任何人占上风.
The patient is holding her own although she is still very sick. 病人的病情仍然很重,但她还在支持着.