Linda: What do you think are the crucial steps of effective sales?
Linda: 你觉得要做好销售应该有哪些关键步骤?
Steve: I believe that analyzing clients, gaining client confidence, exploring client needs, demonstrating value to the client, getting clients to commit, and providing services to the client are the six key steps of becoming an effective sales person.
Steve: 我认为分析客户、建立信任、挖掘需求、呈现价值、赢取承诺、跟进服务是成为成功的销售员的六个重要步骤。
Linda: How do you gain the customers’ confidence?
Linda: 你通过哪些手段来获取客户的信任?
Steve: First, I will work to fully understand our potential customers, including their strengths, advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, knowing something about the project owner on the client side is also very important. Second, I will focus on increasing the depth of my knowledge of the project manager. Through this we can create a more rapport atmosphere. We should also know our competitors, inside and out.
Steve: 首先,我会对潜在客户进行多方的了解,包括他们的企业实力、优势劣势,了解他们的项目负责人也很重要。第二步,我会集中深入了解项目负责人,建立一种和谐的氛围。同时还要对竞争对手了如指掌。