You'd better not(make Harry any more nervous than he is).
You'd better(hurry, Robbie).
●express obligation or expectation:表示义务或期望
I'm supposed to (be worried about my daughter).
(…you are one of us, Harry).
And don't ever forget it.
●calm someone:安慰别人
Try to take it easy.
You'll be fine.
Not to worry.
It'll all be over (soon).
●express probability:表示可能性
Should be.
They have to(be here)
●say you'll find a solution:表示可设法解决
We'll figure a way.
●talk about past habits:谈过去习惯
I never could( tie one of those…).
I have always( worn a clip-on bow tie).
●say you are fortunate:说自己幸运
We're in luck.
● express worry or dismay:表示担心或沮丧
Oh my!