198. 他三言两语就解释清楚了整件事。
[误] He made the whole thing clear in three or two words.
[正] He made the whole thing clear in one or two words.
注:虽然英语中的 one or two words 也是虚指,但所用的数字却与中文的不同。又如:三思(think twice),三心二意(in two minds),百里挑一(one in a thousand)等。
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198. 他三言两语就解释清楚了整件事。
[误] He made the whole thing clear in three or two words.
[正] He made the whole thing clear in one or two words.
注:虽然英语中的 one or two words 也是虚指,但所用的数字却与中文的不同。又如:三思(think twice),三心二意(in two minds),百里挑一(one in a thousand)等。