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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第一节

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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76. It’s the first time… 这是第一次……
It’s the first time he has driven a car.

77. It’s time… 是时候做……
It’s late. It’s time we went home.
It’s time we took better care of the environment.

78. It looks like… 看上去……
It looks like it’s going to be a dreary day.

79. It might… 可能会……
It might rain. We’d better take an umbrella.

80. Maybe you should… 我想你应该……
Maybe you should quit smoking.
Maybe you should ask someone for directions.

81. might as well… 不防/不如……
I am so tired. We might as well get a taxi.
It's so late, we might as well forget about seeing the movie.

82. not…any more / longer. 不再……
Ann doesn’t work here any more / longer. She left last month.

83. not…until… 直到……才……
I didn’t get up until half past ten.
I didn’t believe you until it was too late!

84. Say hello to…for me. 替我向……问好。
Say hello to your parents for me.
【Kim’s Note】This pattern is a good way to make a good impression. When you remember to send greetings to someone, people always notice and appreciate it.

85. so that… 以便……
She’s learning English so that she can study in America.
I’m trying to speak slowly so that you will understand me better.

86. The…, the better… 越……就越好。
The warmer the weather, the better I feel.
The farther away you are, the better you look!
【Kim’s Note】This is of course a joke sentence. If you say it to someone seriously, they would probably be offended!

87. There is no doubt about… 无疑……
There is no doubt about his role in the robbery.

88. There’s no point in … ……毫无意义。
There is no point in complaining. They can't do anything to help you.

89. There is no reason to… 没有理由……
Come on! There is no reason to feel discouraged.

90. too…for… 对某人来说太……
This shirt is too big for me.

91. unless… 除非……否则……
You can’t go in unless you are a member.
We can’t help you unless you tell us what the problem is.

92. …very often. 经常……
Ann doesn’t drink coffee very often.
I don't lose my temper very often, but when I do, look out!

93. What kind of… 什么样的……
What kind of food do you like best?
What kind of perfume are you wearing?
What kind of books do you like to read?
【Kim’s Note】 This is also an extremely useful conversation pattern. It is a good way to get someone talking because most people love to talk about their likes and dislikes.

94. What time… 什么时候……
What time do the banks close in Hong Kong?
What time are you leaving for Beijing tomorrow?

95. What’s…like? ……怎么样?
What’s Stone Lee like?
What’s living in China like?
What’s your new boss like?
What’s your mother-in-law like?
【Kim’s Note】Americans just love this type of question. They always want to know what something is like.

96. Would it be correct to… ……对吗?
Would it be correct to say that San Francisco has a large Chinese population?

97. Would you please… 你可不可以……
Would you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.
Would you please give me your number?
【Kim’s Note】This is such a good sentence pattern to show off your manners.

98. You must be… 你一定……
You’ve been traveling all day. You must be tired.
You walked home in the dark by yourself? You must be crazy!

99. You’d better… 你最好……
You’d better work harder.
You’d better believe me.
You’d better take a break.
You'd better listen to your mother.

100. You’re bound to… 你肯定……
You’re bound to have a good vacation.
You’re bound to forget something if you leave in a hurry.
You’re bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!

所有句子的李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为 206 秒。
所有句子的你的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为 _____ 秒。

因为篇幅的原因,有的句型只配了一两个句子。其实每个句型都可以造出数十个句子,甚至上百个句子!我们现在做个小测试:你能用Any idea …这个句型造出更多的句子吗?
Any idea when the wedding is?
Any idea what time you’re coming over?
Any idea how far it is from here?
Any idea how often the IELTS(雅思)exam is held?
Any idea when this company was founded?
Any idea how they managed to solve the problem?
Any idea who is going to be our new English teacher?
Any idea why she resigned from her job?
Any idea why Bob kept silent in yesterday’s meeting?
Any idea how long it will take to travel to Shanghai by train?
Any idea how much a plane ticket to America costs?
Any idea how long I should cook this chicken?
Any idea ____________________________________?
Any idea ____________________________________?
Any idea ____________________________________?
Any idea ____________________________________?
Any idea ____________________________________?
Any idea ____________________________________?

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