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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第一节

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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32. I’m here to… 我是来这里……
I’m here to let you know the truth.
【Kim’s Note】 This is such a classic TV and movie sentence. Someone is always showing up on a rainy night just to tell the truth about some deeply buried secret.

33. I’m interested in… 我对……感兴趣。
I’m interested in the Internet.
I’m interested in everything.

34. I’m looking for… 我在找……
I’m looking for Stone. Do you know where he is?
(我在找石头, 你知道他在哪儿吗?)

35. I’m making every effort to… 我尽力……
I’m making every effort to impress my new boss.
【Kim’s Note】Making every effort to do something usually pays off in the end! Make every effort to learn English and you will see what I mean!

36. I’m opposed to… 我反对……
Actually, I’m strongly opposed to the plan.

37. I’m sorry to… 感到难过
I’m sorry to hear that your father is ill.

38. I’m thinking of… 我在考虑……
I’m thinking of buying a car.
I’m thinking of moving to Australia.
I’m thinking of getting married.
I’m thinking of changing my job.
【Kim’s Note】 This sentence pattern is useful for starting a conversation. If you start a sentence by saying you are thinking of doing something, people will surely want to know why.
“I’m thinking of…” 是表达自己的计划、想法的最佳句型。

39. I’m trying to… 我正在试图……
I am trying to find a job but it’s not easy.

40. I apologize for… 我对……表示歉意。
I apologize for what I said about you.
【Kim’s Note】This is probably one of the hardest sentences in the world to say. If you say something awful about someone, the best thing to do is apologize sincerely, denying that you said it will only make matters worse.

41. I can’t believe… 我不敢相信……
I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

42. I can’t understand… 我搞不懂……
I can’t understand why he’s so selfish.

43. I come from… 我来自……
I come from Beijing, China.

44. I don’t think… 我认为……不……
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
I don’t think we should wait for him.

45. I’d rather…than… 我宁可……而不……
I’d rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.

46. I have a passion for… 我对……很痴迷。
I have a passion for soccer.
I have a passion for sweet food!

47. I have no experience in… 我没有……的经验。
I have no experience in dating girls.

48. I have nothing to do with… ……与我无关。
I have nothing to do with the matter.
I have nothing to do with my old classmates anymore.

49. I insist… 我坚持……
I insist that you let me pay for the meal.

50. I must have been… 我肯定是……
The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. I must have been asleep.
I must have been crazy to fall in love with you!

I am happiest when I am with students.The students in China have captured my heart.I feel very lucky to have the chance to teach English to such enthusiastic learners.
每当我和学生在一起时,那是我最开心的时刻。中国的学生已经深深地震撼了我的心。我很幸运有这样一个机会给这么多热情的学习者教授英语。American Chief Editor:Kim

51. I prefer…to… 我更喜欢……而不……
I prefer driving to travelling by train.
I prefer the weather in Guangzhou to the weather in Beijing.

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