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视频商务英语口语Unit18:价格谈判 Negotiating prices

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

DANNY MCNEIL: Before we begin, are you sure that you are in a position to conduct this negotiation? 丹尼.麦克内尔:在开始前,我想问一下你确定你可以进行这次谈判吗?
EDWARD GREEN: Yes, I have the authority to negotiate with you. 爱德华.格林:是的,我有跟你谈判的授权。
DANNY MCNEIL: Right. Let' s get down to business. 丹尼.麦克内尔:好。那我们就办正事吧。
EDWARD GREEN: Which of our product lines are you particularly interested in Mr. McNeil?
DANNY MCNEIL: I could be interested in these ones that I have outlined here. 丹尼.麦克内尔:物品对这些划线的感兴趣。
But I want to hear what you say about discounts. 但我要听听你给什么样的优惠。
EDWARD GREEN: Let' s talk specifically about Big Boss. 爱德华.格林:那我们就具体用“大老板”来谈吧。
DANNY MCNEIL: Let' s be clear about one thing. 丹尼.麦克内尔:我们先要明确一件事情。
I hope you realize that we must have a much larger discount than what' s on the table now.
EDWARD GREEN: I think the discount problem can be resolved but you need to be more precise about numbers. 爱德华.格林:我认为优惠的问题是可以解决的,但你得大具体的购货量明确一下。
DANNY MCNEIL: Fair enough. 丹尼.麦克内尔:很公平。
What kind of discount are you offering on ten thousand units? 你们给1万件的优惠是多少?
EDWARD GREEN: On ten thousand units, Mr. Mcneil, I can offer a discount of thirty percent.
But I can' t offer more 但不能再多了……
DANNY MCNEIL: 30 per cent! 丹尼.麦克内尔:30 %!
EDWARD GREEN: Just let me finish, 30 percent, but with a guarantee of delivery within two months.

DANNY MCNEIL: Delivery must be within two months or I' m not interested. 丹尼.麦克内尔:交货必须是两个月内,或则我也没兴趣了。
I' m offering you the chance to make a very large sale and you are turning it down because we' re...
EDWARD GREEN: Can I just come in here Mr. McNeil? 爱德华.格林:麦克内尔先生,我能插两句吗?
I haven' t turned anything down. 我没有拒绝任何事。
I haven' t said "no". 我并没有说“不”。
I am just saying that on ten thousand units our discount terms are thirty percent. 我只是说,对于1万件我们给的优惠是30%。
DANNY MCNEIL: But... 丹尼.麦克内尔:但是……
EDWARD GREEN: Please let me finish. 爱德华.格林:请让我说完。
Now if you commit to buy twenty thousand units then I could consider a larger discount.
DANNY MCNEIL: How much larger? 丹尼.麦克内尔:大多少?
EDWARD GREEN: If you commit to twenty thousand units then I can offer a thirty-five percent discount.
爱德华.格林:如果你承诺购买2万件,那么我可以给你 35%的优惠。
DANNY MCNEIL: Thirty, thirty five percent. 丹尼.麦克内尔:30%,35%。
I' m getting tired of this. 我不吃这一套。
You are playing games. 你们在玩把戏。
I am looking for a large discount, and I hope that you' re going to offer me one.

EDWARD GREEN: If you want a big discount then you must make the order a big one. 爱德华.格林:如果你想要大的优惠,那么你的定单也要大。
Let' s talk about unit price rather than discount.
Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23.5. 我们给批发商的标准单价是23.5。
DANNY MCNEIL: And I' m not interested in 23.5. 丹尼.麦克内尔:但我对23.5元没什么兴趣。
EDWARD GREEN: Yes, I know that Mr. McNeil. 爱德华.格林:是的,麦克内尔先生,我知道。
If you buy 40,000 units, then I can offer a unit price of 19.5.
What will your mark-up be on the Boss, 3, 3.5, 4?
你在“大老板”上的毛利是多少, 3, 3.5, 4?
DANNY MCNEIL: About that. 丹尼.麦克内尔:大约这个数吧。
EDWARD GREEN: With those figures you' re going to be very competitive. 爱德华.格林:以我们给出的单价,你将会很有竞争力。
DANNY MCNEIL: 19.5 unit price? 丹尼.麦克内尔:单价19.5?
EDWARD GREEN: I you buy 40,000 units; that represents a discount of... 爱德华.格林:如果你买4万件的话,这样优惠就是……

I can see what the discount is. 我能知道这个优惠是多少。
Offer me a unit price of 19.5 on 25,000 units and we can do business. 给我19.5的单价,我买2.5万件,我们就可以成交。
EDWARD GREEN: I can' t do that. I' m sorry. 爱德华.格林:对不起,我办不到。
DANNY MCNEIL: Let' s break for a few minutes. 丹尼.麦克内尔:我们先休息一下。
I' ve got a few things I have to see to. 我有几件事要处理。
I' ll be a couple of minutes. 我要几分钟。
Would you like a cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡?
EDWARD GREEN: Yes, please. 爱德华.格林:好的,谢谢。
DANNY MCNEIL: Help yourself to the phone if you want to make a call.
EDWARD: Thanks. 爱德华:谢谢。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
precise [pri'sais]


adj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的

quantity ['kwɔntiti]


n. 量,数量,大量

authority [ə'θɔ:riti]


n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

negotiation [ni.gəuʃi'eiʃən]


n. 谈判,协商

discount ['diskaunt]


n. 折扣,贴现率
vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

unacceptable ['ʌnək'septəbl]


adj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的





