下面我们再用同样方式作一组练习复习动词词组和表明时间的从句. 练习的 内容是说鲍勃的父亲在得肺癌之前老是抽雪茄, 后来住院的时候戒了, 出院 以后又改抽烟斗的事情. 请你根据问题作肯定的答覆. 回答之后请你听老师 念正确答案.
M: Did Bob's father use to smoke cigars before he got lung cancer?
F: Yes, he used to smoke cigars before he got lung cancer.
M: Did he try to put it off when he was told to quit?
F: Yes, he tried to put it off when he was told to quit.
M: Did he finally give up smoking cigars when he was in the hospital?
F: Yes, he finaliy gave up smoking cigars when he was in the hospital.
M: Did he look forward to smoking whenever he saw other people smoke?
F: Yes, he looked forward to smoking whenever he saw other people smoke.
M: Did he take up pipe smoking soon after he got out of the hospital?
F: Yes, he took up pipe smoking soon after he got out of the hospital.
M: Did he keep on smoking until the day he died?
F: Yes, he kept on smoking until the day he died.
下面我们再练习说明时间的从句. 练习的作法是老师用 when 提出一个 过去 时态问题,比方"美国印地安人是什么时候开始种烟草的?"When did American Indians start growing tobacco? 然后老师说: "哥伦布到美洲大陆以前" before Columbus came to America, 你就回答说: They started growing tobacco before Columbus came to America. 老师也可能用 how long 提出现在完成时态问题, 比方"烟草工业对美国经济具有重要性已经有多久了?" How long has the tobacco industry been important for America's economy? 然后老师说:"自从殖 民地时代农民种植烟草外销以来" ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export.你就回答说:It has been important for America's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export. 这组练习的内容跟美国烟草工业和 美国人抽烟的情况有关系, 比方人们发现了某些疾病跟抽烟有关连以后, 香 烟公司就开始卖有过滤嘴的香烟, 而政府也制定了一些有关抽烟的法规等 等. 在这组练习里你可以学到一些有用的词汇, 比方 "降低" decline, "制定" institute, "法规" regulation, "主要" major, "目标"aim, "牌子"brand,"过滤嘴" filter, "疾病"ailment等等. 这组练习比较难, 请你在回答问题之前特别注意听, 每回答一句, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.
M: When did American Indians start growing tobacco?
M: before Columbus came to America
F: They started growing tobacco before Columbus came to America.
M: How long has the American tobacco industry been large?
M: ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco in large quantities
F: It has been large ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco in large quantities.
M: How long has the tobacco industry been important for America's economy?
M: ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export
F: It has been important for America's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export.
M: How long has cigarette smoking been popular in the U.S.?
M: since the 1800's
F: It has been popular in the U.S.since the 1800's.
M: When did the tobacco industry begin selling different brands of cigarettes?
M: When cigarettes smoking became popular
F: It began selling different brands of cigarettes when cigarette smoking became popular.
M: When did the tobacco industry begin selling cigarettes with filters?
M: after ailments were linked to smoking.
F: It began selling cigarettes with filters after ailments were linked to smoking.
M: How long has cigarette smoking been expensive?
M: since taxes on cigarettes were increased in the 1970's
F: It has been expensive since taxes on cigarettes were increased in the 1970's.
M: How long has physical fitness been a major aim of millions of Americans?
M: since the late 1970's
F: It has been a major aim of millions of Americans since the late 1970's.
M: When were regulations on cigarette smoking instituted?
M: after smoking was found to be dangerous to health
F: They were instituted after smoking was found to be dangerous to health.
M: When did the number of smokers start to decline?
M: after people were warned that smoking was dangerous to health
F: The number started to decline after people were warned that smoking was dangerous to health.