下面我们再作一组练习把语法和词汇重复练习一遍. 练习的作法是老师用疑 问词提出问句, 比方 What did the bank permit Kate to use? 接着老师念一个词 组, 比方 a credit card, 学生就用词组来回答问题, 所以答案就是 The bank permitted Kate to use a credit card. 现在我们开始作练习.在学生回答问题的时 候请你也一起回答.
M: What did the bank permit Kate to use?
M: a credit card
F: The bank permitted Kate to use a credit card.
M: What did the bank allow her to do with it?
M: charge with it
F: The bank allowed her to charge with it.
M: How much money did the bank authorize her to spend?
M: 15 hundred dollars
F: The bank authorized her to spend 15 hundred dollars.
M: What does the bank require her to have?
M: a saving account
F: The bank requires her to have a saving account.
M: What does the bank encourage her to do?
M: use the credit card
F: The bank encourages her to use the credit card.
M: What will the bank ask her to do?
M: pay the money back
F: The bank will ask her to pay the money back.
M: What may the bank ask her to pay?
M: interest
F: The bank may ask her to pay interest.
从刚才作的练习里我们可以知道, 在美国如果你在银行里有储蓄, 银行可能给 你信用卡代替现款用, 一段时间之后你才加上利息还清. 下面我们作一组代换 练习看看美国人常常用信用卡买什么东西, 比方买汽油, 买车票, 戏票, 付账等 等. 美国人也用信用卡邮购东西, 也就是 place mail orders, 或是"证明自己的 身份 "identify themselves. 现在我们开始作练习. 请你跟着老师把第一个句子 重复一遍, 然后把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句就请你听 老师再把句子念一遍.
M: People use credit cards to buy a lot of things.
M: buy clothes
F: People use credit cards to buy clothes.
M: purchase gasoline
F: People use credit cards to purchase gasoline.
M: purchase tickets
F: People use credit cards to purchase tickets.
M: pay bills
F: People use credit cards to pay bills.
M: place mail orders
F: People use credit cards to place mail orders.
M: identify themselves
F: People use credit cards to identify themselves.
下面我们换一个方式作练习, 一方面复习今天教的语法, 一方面再学一学信用 卡的用途, 比方 "买家具" buy furnitures, "订杂志" subscribe to magazines, "订礼物"order gifts 等等.练习的作法是老师念一个被动语态句子,请你用 one, o-n-e, one 作主语把句子改成主动语态说出来.下面就是一个例子:
M: Credit cards can be used to buy expensive things.
F: One can use credit cards to buy expensive things.
现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.
M: Credit cards can be used to buy expensive things.
F: One can use credit cards to buy expensive things.
M: Credit cards can be used to buy furnitures.
F: One can use credit cards to buy furnitures.
M: Credit cards can be used to purchase food.
F: One can use credit cards to purchase food.
M: Credit cards can be used to purchase airplane tickets.
F: One can use credit cards to purchase airplane tickets.
M: Credit cards can be used to pay restaurant bills.
F: One can use credit cards to pay restaurant bills.
M: Credit cards can be used to subscribe to magazines.
F: One can use credit cards to subscribe to magazines.
M: Credit cards can be used to order gifts.
F: One can use credit cards to order gifts.