在下面一组练习里, 我们把两种意思相同但是句型不同的句子作个比较. 比方 我们刚才练习过的一个句子: It is necessary to pay for the house. 这句话也可 以这样说: Paying for the house is necessary. 现在我们开始作练习, 由老师用 it 作一个句子, 比方 It is necessary to get a loan.请你把句子改成Getting a loan is necessary. 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.
M: It is necessary to pay for the house.
F: Paying for the house is necessary.
M: It is necessary to get a loan.
F: Getting a loan is necessary.
M: It is necessary to get a mortgage.
F: Getting a mortgage is necessary.
M: It is necessary to check the interest rate.
F: Checking the interest rate is necessary.
M: It is necessary to repay the bank.
F: Repaying the bank is necessary.
M: It is necessary to make regular payments.
F: Making regular payments is necessary.
M: It is necessary to buy house insurance.
F: Buying house insurance is necessary.
在刚才的几组练习里我们学到了在美国买房子必须作的事情. 现在我们还是 用 it 作句子, 学学在郊区买房子有什么好处和坏处. 练习的作法是老师提出 一个问句, 比方 "住在郊区比较安全吗?" Is it safer to live in the suburbs? 接着 老师提出一个形容词, 比方 "麻烦" troublesome, 你就用这个形容词的比较级 把问句改成 Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs? 好, 现在我们开始作 练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.
M: Is it safer to live in the suburbs?
M: quiet
F: Is it quieter to live in the suburbs?
M: economical
F: Is it more economical to live in the suburbs?
M: interesting
F: Is it more interesting to live in the suburbs?
M: comfortable
F: Is it more comfortable to live in the suburbs?
M: expensive
F: Is it more expensive to live in the suburbs?
M: troublesome
F: Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs?
M: dangerous
F: Is it more dangerous to live in the suburbs?
M: convenient
F: Is it more convenient to live in the suburbs?
下面一组练习是说到住在城里的好处和坏处; 比方老师问学生 "住在城里比较 不舒服吗?" Is it less comfortable living in the city? 接着老师念出一个形容词, 学生就把形容词代换到原来的句子里, 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.
M: Is it less economical living in the city?
M: interesting
F: Is it less interesting living in the city?
M: comfortable
F: Is it less comfortable living in the city?
M: expensive
F: Is it less expensive living in the city?
M: troublesome
F: Is it less troublesome living in the city?
M: dangerous
F: Is it less dangerous living in the city?
M: convenient
F: Is it less convenient living in the city?