第558期:You Let Me Search Quite你叫我好找
One day,he went out with his little son.2022-03-31 编辑:sophie 标签:
第557期:A Clever Girl聪明的小女孩
After supper,father took his little2022-03-30 编辑:sophie 标签:
第556期:To Open the Door开门
Leaving my four-year-old son in the house,2022-03-29 编辑:sophie 标签:
第555期:Where ls the Father爸爸在哪儿
"Look,"said the elder brother,2022-03-28 编辑:sophie 标签:
第554期:English plays an important role in the world
English plays an increasingly important role2022-03-23 编辑:sophie 标签:
第553期:Life is unfair sometimes有时候人生是不公平的
Success is working hard.2022-03-22 编辑:sophie 标签:
You make stuff up in your head2022-03-21 编辑:sophie 标签:
第551期:Live a bully-free life生活在一个没有恶霸的世界
Playground bullies don't go away after 5th grade.2022-03-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
第550期:When you believe in yourself当你相信自我
When you believe in yourself,2022-03-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
第549期:Have time with your lover留出时间给你的爱人
Have time with your lover2022-03-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
第548期:Having a soft heart 怀有一颗柔软的心
It doesn’t mean you cannot be strong2022-03-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
第547期:Having cold shoulders show no respect
Do you pay no attention when someone’s talking?2022-03-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
第546期:Treat every person equally平等地对待每个人
One kind word can change someone’s entire day2022-03-11 编辑:sophie 标签:
why we struggle with insecurities为什么我们一直没有安全感2022-03-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
第544期:Be optimistic every morning用乐观迎接每一个清晨
Be optimistic every morning2022-03-09 编辑:sophie 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3