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  • 2009年3月高口考试NewsQ6-Q10原文+解析


    2009-03-17 编辑:alex 标签:

  • 2008年9月13日高级口译中翻英答案发布(新东方版)

    9.13高口翻译题目(中翻英)  中国古代圣人孔子曾说过:“劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。”这句话反映了中国传统文化中人的地位等级的划分,也直接影响了人们对职业的选择。现代意义上的“白领阶层”是让人羡慕的对象,

    2008-09-16 编辑:alex 标签:

  • 2008年9月13日高级口译英翻中答案发布(新东方版)


    2008-09-16 编辑:alex 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题答案(4)


    2008-09-15 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题答案(3)

    阅读1-5 DDACB6-10 CABCC11-15 CBBCA16-20 DCACD1. The author's attitude towards the student deception in Duke's business school is that he does not think that such behavior should be called c...

    2008-09-15 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题答案(2)

    III. Note-taking and Gap-filling1. urbanization2. reasons3. economic4. jobs5. quality6. convenience7. schools8. comfortable9. age10. falling11. changes12. taller13. Skyscrapers14. sector15. multiple1

    2008-09-15 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题答案(1)

    Spot dictation1. career counselor2. concerns about their future3. advanced technology4. the majority of the US population5. find a job6. available in your field7. making phone calls to prospective em

    2008-09-15 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(7)

    SECTION 6: TRANSLATION TEST Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 据说,上海男人是最好丈夫。他们总是知道该

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(6)

    SECTION 5: READING TEST Directions: Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(5)

    SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST Part A: Note-taking And Gap-filling Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. While listening to the talk, you may ta

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(4)

    SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST Directions: Translate of the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. The task of writing a history of our

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(3)

    Questions 11-15 Right now, Prince Charles is probably wishing he had hit the slopes after all. Britain's Prince of Wales decided last year to begin reducing his carbon footprint-the amount of ...

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(2)

    SECTION 2: READING TEST Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to eac

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2007年9月高级口译真题(1)

    SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 miniutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks wi

    2008-09-14 编辑:jason 标签:

  • 2008年春季高级口译笔试中翻英简评


    2008-03-18 编辑:alex 标签: 新闻 视频 TBS 日本

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