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  • 2013年3月高级口译阅读真题:上半场阅读第3篇原文

    I used to boast that Britain was a relatively uncorrupt society. Look at France, I would say, where a high proportion of recent presidents and prime ministers had faced criminal charges after leavi...

    2013-03-21 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案:Listening Comprehension 4

    As long as there has been crime, there have been ways to solve it. One of the oldest methods is interrogation, a method in which the police question people who might have committed the crime or

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案:Listening Comprehension 3

    W: The Employee Monitoring Law has received a great deal of media attention recently. However, many Illinois citizens are still very confused. What exactly does the new law allow?

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案:Listening Comprehension 2

    In recent years, food shortages have led to price rises and unrest in many import-dependent countries, including many in the Africa. In the 2009 G-8 summit in Italy,

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案: Listening Comprehension 1

    Man: Do you know the name the American flag was once called?Woman: Didn’t some people used to call it the Star - Spangled Banner, like national anthem?

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案:Note Taking and Gap Filling

    Listening is one of the first things we learn to do and one of the things we do most. The average person spends 9% of their daily communication time writing, 16% reading, 30 % speaking, and 40% lis...

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2013年3月高级口译听力答案:Spot Dictation

    Listening is one of the first things we learn to do and one of the things we do most. The average person spends 9% of their daily communication time writing, 16% reading, 30 % speaking, and 40% lis...

    2013-03-20 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译翻译答案(下半场汉译英)


    2013-01-08 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译句子翻译真题答案(Sentence Translation)

    译 文:在教育圈,反对家庭作业的人认为家庭作业减少了孩子们玩耍和去室外呼吸新鲜空气的时间,从而损害了孩子们的生理,情感以及心理健康。

    2013-01-08 编辑:melody 标签: 真题 高口

  • 2011年9月高级口译篇章翻译真题答案(passage translation)


    2013-01-07 编辑:melody 标签: 真题 高口

  • 2011年9月高级口译高口上半场英译汉答案


    2013-01-07 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译阅读第4篇原文


    2013-01-07 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译阅读第3篇原文


    2013-01-05 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译阅读第2篇原文


    2013-01-05 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

  • 2011年9月高级口译阅读第1篇原文


    2013-01-04 编辑:melody 标签: 高口 真题

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