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希拉里接受中国日报网专访 谈气候与环境合作(视频+文本)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, that's what we're going to explore together. One of the challenges is the way that the emissions are calculated, because, as you point out, certainly there has been efficiency achievements here in China, as there has been in the United States. But we are still emitting too much.


And, as China continues to develop -- one of your ministers said to me yesterday that more and more Chinese people want more and more appliances, as you should. I mean, you should have a rising standard of living. It is not anything that the United States or any other country should, in any way, criticize. I mean, the people in China deserve to have a rising standard of living. We just don't want you to make the same mistakes we made.


So that, instead of just building more coal-fired power plants, which may be slightly more efficient but still large emitters, how do we work together so that you get your energy needs met without putting more absolute greenhouse gas emission totals into the air?


So, we are going to explore that. But I was very pleased at the openness that was exhibited yesterday. You know, nobody has all the answers. We have to work together in ways that can discover new answers that will be effective in dealing with this global threat.


PROFESSOR QI: Right. You made this same statement yesterday -- which I very much agree on -- when speaking to the students and scholars at Tsinghua University. You said, you know, "China and U.S. should work together to avoid the kind of mistakes that the U.S. made in the past."

中国日报网 齐晔:您昨天在和清华大学的学者和学生交流时也说了这句话,我非常同意您的看法。 您说美中两国应该共同努力,来避免美国过去所犯的那种错误。

I wonder if you could name some of those mistakes, and how we're going to work together to avoid that.






