技师 skilled technician
技术员 technician
兼职教授 part-time professor
建筑师 architect
讲师 lecturer/instructor
教导主任 director of teaching and
教授 professor
教务长 dean/director of teaching affairs
教研室主任 head of the teaching and research section
经济师 economic manager /economist
客座教授 visiting professor/guest professor
律师 lawyer/ attorney
麻醉师 anesthetist
名誉教授 honorary professor
内科主任 head of the medical department
农艺师 agronomist
设计师 designer
实验室主任 laboratory chief
实验员 laboratory technician
图书馆员 librarian
外籍教授 foreign professor
外科主任 head of the surgical department
department chairman /department head
学院院长 dean of college/head of college
研究生指导教师 graduate teacher/research supervisor
研究所所长 institute director
研究员 research fellow/researcher
药剂师 pharmacist
终身教授 lifetime professor
主任会计 chief accountant
主任记者 chief reporter
attending doctor/physician-in-charge
助工 assistant engineer
助教 teaching assistant (t.a.)
助理编辑 assistant editor
助理会计师 assistant accountant
助研 research assistant
注册会计师(美国)certified public accountant(cpa)
注册会计师(美国)chartered accountant
资料员 data processor
总编辑 editor in chief
总工程师 chief engineer
总务长 director in charge of general affairs