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来源:本站原创 编辑:jason   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

6. (A) A trade show of the latest sporting goods is on display.

(B) An event for team sports is held with the country's best athletes.

(C) A spring market fair for cutting equipment and accessories is open.

(D) A business rendezvous is scheduled between VIPs and the best athletes.

7. (A) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.

(B) SnapBack, a private browser that does not store individual information.

(C) A built-in RSS reader to quickly scan the latest news and information.

(D) Safari 3, the world's fastest and easiest-to-use web browser.

8. (A) Heavy rain triggered floods which caused heavy casualties and damage.

(B) Harsh drought had been going on for several years and killed some people.

(C) 23 people were missing after a storm hit a village in the mountainous province.

(D) Authorities were searching for the people who had crossed the border from other countries.

9. (A) Two soldiers hijacked a jet plane full of passengers in flight.

(B) The hijackers were captured after killing one of the hostages.

(C) A military unit arrested the hijackers with no one injured or killed.

(D) The hijacked plane landed safely at an airport in a neighboring country.

10. (A) $683.30. (B) $ 900, 000.

(C) C$1 million. (D) C$2 million.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

11. (A) TV programs.

(B) Media coverage on crime.

(C) The school system.

(D) Juvenile crime.

12. (A) The problem has been overdone by the media.

(B) The messages the kids get make them like that.

(C) The school has not done enough to help the kids.

(D) Some kids are essentially violent.

13. (A) Giving the kids a more caring environment.

(B) Setting up a responsible school system.

(C) Taking harsh actions against violence in the school.

(D) Keeping the kids under one-to-one surveillance.

14. (A) Do supervised activities.

(B) Take instructional programs.

(C) Stay in school for supper.

(D) Go in for sports.

15. (A) Because they can help set good role models.

(B) Because they can stop white-collar crime.

(C) Because they can reduce crime.

(D) Because they can make criminals feel fair.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16. (A) Workplace inequality.

(B) Sexism in language.

(C) The AIDS crisis.

(D) The way the mass media treats women.

17. (A) Language and thought definitely influence each other.

(B) It is impossible to understand the relationship between the two.

(C) What we think certainly determines what we say.

(D) What we say very probably affects what we think.

18. (A) The professional world.

(B) The United Nations publications.

(C) The international women's organization.

(D) The feminist movement.

19. (A) Nouns don't have a gender in English.

(B) Spanish nouns have two genders.

(C) German nouns are either masculine or feminine.

(D) The issues of gender vary across-languages.

20. (A) How some publications avoid sexist language.

(B) Why we have to avoid sexism in English.

(C) The efforts we have already taken to eliminate sexism.

(D) The gender issues in different languages.





