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来源:alex 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

三字经          three-character scripture/three-word chant
八股文          eight-part essay/stereotyped writing
五言绝句         five-character quatrain
七言律诗         seven-character octave
四合院          quadrangle
京剧           Peking Opera
独角戏          monodrama
杂技           acrobatics
相声           witty dialogue comedy, standup comedy
马戏           circus show
哑剧           pantomime; mime
踩高跷          stilt walk
说书           story-telling
木偶戏          puppet show
口技           ventriloquism
京剧票友         amateur performer of Peking Opera
篆刻           seal cutting
图章           seal
工艺           workmanship/craftsmanship
手工艺品         handicraft
泥人           clay figure
唐三彩          trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
陶器           pottery
苏绣           Suzhou embroidery
文房四宝         the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study-a writing brush,
             an ink stick, an ink stone and paper
寓言           fable
神话           mythology
传说           legend
十二生肖         zodiac
公历           gregorian calendar
阴历           lunar calendar
对联           antithetical couplet
天干           heavenly stem
地支           earthly branch
闰年           leap year
二十四节气        the twenty-four solar terms
本命年          one’s year of birth in the circle of twelve years
传统节日         traditional holidays
春节           Spring Festival
元宵节          Lantern Festival
清明节          Pure Brightness Festival
端午节          dragon boat festival
中秋节          Mid-Autumn Festival
重阳节          Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day
才子佳人         gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
中华文明         Chinese civilization
朝代           dynasty
中外学者         Chinese and overseas scholars
考古学家         archaeologist
人类学家         anthropologist
进化论          Darwinism
无神论          atheism
宿命论          determinism
启蒙运动         enlightenment
辩证的          dialectic
先知           illuminati
佛教           Buddhism
儒教           Confucianism
道教           Taoism
形而上学         metaphysics
基督教          Christianity
新教           Protestant
天主教          Catholicism
洗礼           baptism
伊斯兰教         Islam
教堂           Church
寺庙           temple
修道院          abbey
礼拜堂          chapel
斋月           Ramadan; month of fast
喇嘛           Lama
邪教           cult
宗教仪式         religious ritual
异教徒          infidel
宗教矛盾         religious contradictions
孔庙           temple of Confucius
天主教堂 cathedral




