(一) 一般情况下:汉语动词用的多,英语名词用的多,汉译英,动词转名词;英译汉,名词转动词
1. 绝对不允许违反这个原则。
Violation of the principle should never be allowed/tolerated.
2. 坚持一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础与前提。
Adherence to the “One-China” policy should serve as the basis and prerequisite for peaceful reunification.
3. Everyone was away on holiday.
4. He came to my home for help.
5. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.
(二)单词介绍:apathetic describe
1、“a”表示“无”如:: atheist 无神论者, amoral/immoral 无关道德的/没有道德的, atypical pneumonia 非典, SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome, 严重的呼吸道传染综合症
2、“path”表示情感: sympathy 同情, antipathy 反感, empathy 可以将心比心的理解他人, pathology, 病理学
3、“scribe”表示写: prescribe 开处方, script 文字资料、脚本, scripture 宗教经典, scribble 乱涂乱划, postscript 附言(商业信函中禁用), inscribe 刻, inscription 碑铭, subscribe 订阅, manuscript 手稿,