6 却说李、郭二贼欲弑献帝,张济、樊稠谏曰:“不可。今日若便杀之。恐众人不服。不如仍旧奉之为主,赚诸侯入关,先除其羽翼然后杀之,天下可图也。”
Translation 1:
Li Jue and Guo Si would have taken the sovereign’s life, but the other two generals Zhang Ji and Fan Chou, demurred: “The people will never accept the authority of regicides. Rather, uphold the Emperor and lure the lords of the realm into the region Chang’an controls. That way we can pare down the Emperor’s support and prepare to take over at the proper time.”
(Translated by Moss Roberts)
Translation 2:
When Li Jue and Guo Si were going to commit regicide by killing Emperor Xian, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou offered their advice: “It is not the right time for that, for the country would not accept the regicide. On the contrary, we’d better employ him as a figurehead and lure the armed lords into the capital. By paring down the lords before killing the emperor, we can then rule the realm.”
7 却说献计之人,乃东海朐县人,姓糜,名竺,字子仲。此人家世富豪,尝往洛阳买卖,乘车而回,路遇一美妇人来求同载,竺乃下车步行,让车与妇人坐。妇人请竺同载,竺上车端坐,目不邪视。行及数里,妇人辞去。临别,对竺曰:“我乃南方火德星君也。奉上帝敕,往烧汝家。感君相待以礼,故明告君。君可速回,搬出财物。吾当夜来。”
Translation 1:
The man who proposed to resist Cao Cao’s siege was Mi Zhu (Zizhong), from an old and wealthy family in the county of Qu in the district of Donghai. Mi Zhu had once had an extraordinary experience. On the way home after doing business in Luoyang, he met a beautiful woman who requested a ride. Mi Zhu offered the woman his seat and proceeded on foot, but the woman insisted that they share the carriage. So Zhu climbed back up, but he sat stiffly, holding his gaze away from the passenger. Several li farther on the woman said good-bye, adding, “I am the deity of solar fire, sent by the Supreme God to destroy your household. Your commendable gentility has moved me to give you this warning: rush home and remove your valuables. I am due tonight.”
(Translated by Moss Roberts)
Translation 2:
Who offered the advice but Mi Zhu, styled Zizhong, a native of Quxian of Donghai District. He was born into a wealthy family with traditions. Once on returning from his business trip in Luoyang, he met a pretty lady, asking for a lift. Then Mi Zhu got off the cart to let the lady on, who, however, asked him to share the seat with her. Then Mi Zhu got on the cart and seated himself beside her uprightly, without shooting a glace from the corner of his eye at the lady. Having covered several miles, the lady thanked him for the lift. On her departure, she told him: “I am Goddess of Fire of the South, summoned by the Emperor of the Heaven to set fire on your residence. Moved by your polite manners, I would like to tell you the truth. You’d better hurry home and move out all the valuables before I ignite your house tonight.”
8 曹操正慌走间,正南上一彪军到,乃夏侯惇引军来救援,截住吕布大战,斗到黄昏时分大雨如注,各自引军分散。操回寨,重赏典韦,加为领军都尉。
Translation 1:
The panicked Cao Cao was saved by Xiahou Dun, who had rushed to the southern front, intercepted Lü Bu, and engaged him. As night fell, a rainstorm finally forced them apart. Later, at camp, Cao Cao rewarded Dian Wei amply and gave him a command.
(Translated by Moss Roberts)
Translation 2:
Panicked, Cao Cao escaped in a hurry when he found an army coming from south led by Xiahou Dun on his rescue, who intercepted Lü Bu and engaged him in a fierce struggle. At dusk, a downpour separated them apart. On reaching his camp, Cao Cao lavished awards on Dian Wei and appointed him commander of an army.
9 却说曹操大破吕布于定陶,布乃收集残败军马于海滨,众将皆来会集,欲再与曹操决战。陈宫曰:“今曹兵势大,未可与争。先夺取安身之地,那时再来未迟。”布曰:“吾欲再投袁绍,何如?”宫曰:“先使人往冀州探听消息,然后可去。”布从之。
Translation 1:
Badly beaten at Dingtao by Cao Cao, Lü Bu collected his battered units at points near the coast; his commanders rallied, eager for a showdown with Cao Cao. “Cao Cao has the upper hand now,” objected Chen Gong. “This is no time to take him on. Once we have a base of our own, there will be time enough for another battle.” “What about turning to Yuan Shao as we did before?” Lü Bu suggested. “Send someone to Jizhou to sound him out,” replied Chen Gong, and Lü Bu did so.
(Translated by Moss Roberts)
Translation 2:
Impaired severely by Cao Cao at Dingtao, Lü Bu collected his battered forces near the coast. At the conference, his generals wished to fight a showdown battle with Cao Cao when Chen Gong said: “At present, Cao Cao is so powerful that we are no match for him. We’d better seize a place as our base and it will not be too late to seek revenge when we are strong enough.” Then Lü Bu asked: “How about turning to Yuan Shao again?” “Send someone to Jizhou to find Yuan Shao’s attitude before leading our troops to him,” replied Chen Gong and Lü Bu agreed.
10 却说李乐引军诈称李傕、郭汜,来追车驾。杨奉曰:“此李乐也。”遂令徐晃出迎之。李乐亲自出战,只一合被徐晃一斧砍于马下,杀散余党,保护车驾过箕关。
Translation 1:
Tear overcame the Emperor at the thought that Li Yue now had Li Jue and Guo Si’s backing. But Yang Feng said, “It’s only Li Yue!” and sent out Xu Huang, who cut the rebel down in a single exchange. The White Wave gang dispersed, and Yang Feng guided the Emperor safely through Winnow Basket Pass.
(Translated by Moss Roberts)
(译文紧扣原文,交代了献帝流泪的情节,将箕关译成了the Winnow Basket Pass。)
Translation 2:
Disguised as Li Jue and Gao Si, Li Yue led his forces after the Emperor. Judging that it must be Li Yue in disguise, Yang Feng said, “It’s only Li Yue,” and ordered Xu Huang to charge. Li Yue accepted the charge but was killed by Xu Huang in a single exchange. With the gang of rebels dispersed, Yang Feng guarded the Emperor through the Jiguan Pass.
(译文紧扣原文,遣词造句有别于前译,将箕关译成了the Jiguan Pass。)