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谷歌创始人 Larry Page 在密西根大学的演讲

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Class of 2009!I don't think I heard you.Class of 2009!First I want you to stand up
and wave and cheer your supportivefamily and friends!I am sure you can find them out there.Show your love!It is a great honor for me to be here today.


Now wait a second.I know:that's such a cliche.You're thinking: every graduation speaker says that - It's a great honor.But, in my case, it really is so deeply true being here is more special and more personal for me than most of you know. I'd like to tell you why.A long time ago,in this cold September of 1962,there was a Steven's co-op at this very university.That co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so.


Picture a college girl named Gloria,climbing up high on a ladder,struggling to clean that filthy ceiling.Standing on the floor, a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view.And that's how they met.They were my parents,so I suppose you could say I'm a direct result of that kitchen chemistry experiment, right here at Michigan.My Mom is here with us today,and we should probably go find the spot and put a plaqueup on the ceiling that says: "Thanks Mom and Dad!"


Everyone in my family went here to Michigan:my brother, my Mom ,my Dad -- all of us.My Dad actually got the quantity discount:He got all three and a half of his degrees here.His Ph.D. was in Communication Science because they thought Computers were just a passing fad when he earned it 44 years ago.He and Mom made a big sacrifice for that degree.They argued at times over pennies, while raising my newborn brother.Mom typed
my Dad's dissertation by hand,kind of ironic of those computer science dissertation.


This velvet hood I'm wearing, this was my Dad's.This diploma, yeah,this diploma I have here that just like the one you are about to get this is my Dad's.And my underwear, oh never mind, sorry.My father's father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint, Michigan. He was an assemblyline worker.He drove his two children here to Anna Arbor,and told them: That is where you're going to go to college.I know it sounds funny now.Both of his kids actually did graduate from Michigan.That was the American dream.


His daughter, Beverly, is also with us today.My Grandpa used to carry an "Alley Oop" hammer,a heavy iron pipe with a big hunk of lead melted on the end.The workers made them during the sit-down strikes to protect themselves.When I was growing up, we used that hammer whenever we needed to pound a stake or something into the yard.It is wonderful that most people don't need to carry a heavy blunt object for protection anymore.But just in case, I brought it with me.My Dad became a professor at uh…Michigan State,and I was an incredibly lucky boy.A professor's life is pretty flexible,and he was able to spend oodles of time raising me.Could there be a better upbringing than university brat?

我姑姑贝弗利今天也来了。爷爷以前经常扛着一个大铁锤,铁管上铸着大铅坨的那种。那是用来在静坐罢工时,保护自己的武器。小时候,我们常用它在后院打桩子。现在世道好了,大家不需要铁锤保护自己了。但以防万一 ,我还是把它带来了。后来我的父亲成为了一名教授,密歇根州立大学的教授,我很走运,因为教授的工作比较灵活,有大量的时间陪我。还有比这更棒的吗?

What I'm trying to tell you is that this is way more than just a homecoming for me.It's not easy for me to express how proud I am to be here,with my Mom, my brother and my wife Lucy, and with all of you,at this amazing institution that is responsible for my very existence.I am thrilled for all of you,and I'm thrilled for your families and friends,as all of us join this great, big Michigan family I feel I've been a part of all of all my life.What I'm also trying to tell you is that I know exactly what it feels like to be sitting in your seat,listening to some old gasbag give a long-winded commencementspeech.Don't worry. I'll be brief.I have a story about following dreams.Or maybe more accurately,
it's a story about finding a path to make those dreams real.


You know what it's like,to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream?And you know how, if you don't have a pencil and pad by the bed it will be completely gone by the next morning.I had one of those dreams when I was 23.When I suddenly woke up, I was thinking:what if we could download the whole web,and just keep the links and… I grabbed a pen and started writing!Sometimes it is important to wake up and stop dreaming.I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work.


Soon after, I told my advisor, Terry Winograd,it would take a couple of weeks for me to download the web -he nodded knowingly, fully aware it would take much longer but wise enough to not tell me.The optimism of youth is often underrated!Amazingly, at that time,I had no thought of building a search engine.The idea wasn't even on the radar.Much later we happened upon a better way of rankingand we made a really great search engine,and Google was born.When a really great dream shows up, grab it!When I was here at Michigan,I had actually been taught how to make dreams real!

我对导师Terry Winograd说:下载整个网络需要几周时间。他点点头,其实心里清楚需要更久。但他很明智,没打击我。年轻人的激情不可小视!不过那时,创造一个搜索引擎,对我而言是天方夜谭。我从没动过这个念头。很久以后,我们偶然找到了更好的排序方式。做出了一级棒的搜索引擎,谷歌就这么诞生了。所以,当梦想闪现时,抓住它吧!我在这儿念书时,曾学过如何梦想成真。

I know it sounds funny,but that is what I learned in a summer camp converted into a training program called Leadershape.Yes, we've got a few out there.Their slogan is to have a "healthy disregard for the impossible".That program encouraged me to pursue a crazy idea at the time.I wanted to build a personal rapid transit system on campus to replace the buses.Yeah, you're still working on that I hear.It was a futuristic way of solving our transportation problem.I still think a lot about transportation you never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby.Many things that people labor hard to do now,like cooking, cleaning, and driving will require much less human time in the future.That is, if we "have a healthy disregardfor the impossible and actually build new solutions.

听起来有点扯,但我确实从 "塑造领导力"夏令营中得到了启发。看,真的有人参加过的吧。我们的口号是“世上无难事只怕有心人“!我们被要求去实现自己看似疯狂的梦想。我想建立个人快速交通系统来替代公交,我知道你们还在研究。没准是今后解决交通问题的好方法。我时不时还在考虑交通问题,梦想不会消失,会变成习惯!我们现在花费精力做的事情,比如做饭、打扫 、开车,今后占用的时间会越来越少,这不是天方夜谭。世上无难事,只怕有心人!

I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams.I know that sounds completely nuts.But, since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition.In fact, there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name.They all travel as if they are pack dogs and stick to each other like glue.
The best people want to work on the big challenges.That is what happened with Google.Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.How can that not get you excited?But we almost didn't start Google actually because my co-founder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of our Ph.D. program.None of you have that issue it seems.You are probably on the right track, if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm!That is about how we felt after we maxed out three credit cards buying hard disks off the back of a truck.That was actually the first hardware for Google.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

institution [.insti'tju:ʃən]


n. 机构,制度,创立

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

limp [limp]


n. 跛行
adj. 柔软的,无力的,软弱的<

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

flexible ['fleksəbl]


adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的

cliche ['kli:ʃei]


n. 陈腔滥调





