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Looking to the future


Last year, boosted by the additional commitments for COVID response, we paid out $6.7 billion. This doesn't include hundreds of millions more in guarantees, forgivable loans, and other financing from our Strategic Investment Fund, which supports efforts like at-risk manufacturing of COVID vaccines. Since our founding 21 years ago, we have paid out more than $60 billion in grants. Every year for the past decade our payout has grown.


With a more than $50 billion endowment, Bill and Melinda's generous additional commitment of $15 billion last year, the expectation of future pledges, and the requirement to spend down our endowment after our co-founders' deaths, we are uniquely positioned to maintain a major role in the field of philanthropy for decades to come.


The scale of our giving must be matched by a deep sense of responsibility in how we distribute it, making sure those resources are stewarded and deployed as effectively as possible. That means staying focused on what matters – not the money out the door but the impact, which we measure in lives saved and opportunities provided for the poorest and most marginalized to achieve their full potential.


It also requires a clear and unambiguous commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


The journey the foundation has been on to diversify our own staff and investments is central to that commitment. Over the past two years, we have undertaken a systematic review of our work in this area, including drawing on surveys of employees, alumni, and partners that have both called out shortcomings and identified positive exemplars. As a result, we have now adopted a public DEI commitment statement and put in place a series of concrete plans to enhance our impact internally and externally. I know we still have a long way to go, but I am confident that we are more thoughtful and intentional about continuing to improve.


When I was first appointed CEO, I flew to Omaha to have lunch with Warren. Among the many thoughtful pieces of advice he gave me was to remember my ABCs. This was Warren's way of telling me to watch out for three perennial threats that all large organizations face: arrogance, bureaucracy, and complacency.

我刚被任命为首席执行官时,曾飞到奥马哈和沃伦·巴菲特共进午餐。他给了我很多好建议,其中一条是记住“ABC”。沃伦是在提醒我注意所有大型机构面临的三种长期威胁:傲慢、官僚主义和自满(arrogance, bureaucracy和complacency)。

In a context where partners and grantees are rarely incentivized to give critical feedback, it is all too easy for a mission-driven foundation like ours to inadvertently create a self-reinforcing echo chamber that rationalizes our failures and oversells our successes. That in turn contributes to suspicion about the role of philanthropy and whether it really does make a difference.


There is no simple solution to avoiding these pitfalls. It requires constant scrutiny – actively seeking out and being open to constructive criticism from diverse voices, transparently using our internal and external review processes to ruthlessly prioritize areas where our potential impact is greatest, resisting mission creep, and staying focused.


One of the great personal virtues of Bill and Melinda – and one of the key reasons I have devoted the bulk of my career to the Gates Foundation – is their willingness to change their minds. This is particularly true when compelling evidence reveals the potential for more effective ways to save and improve lives through our work. When we take risky bets, it is inevitable that some will fail. But rather than become more conservative, Bill and Melinda have chosen to fail fast, learn, and improve. From gender equality to K-12 education to climate adaptation investments as part of our agricultural development program, they have time and again approved new approaches and deprioritized older ones based on evidence. They and I will be actively looking to our new board members to help us be even more rigorous and focused so we can meet our mission and avoid the pitfalls Warren outlines.


As I begin my 16th year as an employee, my third as CEO, and my first as a board member, I am more convinced than ever that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a unique role to play in helping create a better, fairer world. I further believe the expertise and credibility we have built over the past two decades – combined with the amazing commitment of our founders and co-chairs, the passion of our employees, and the support of our partners – mean that despite the challenges, our best days lie ahead of us. I look forward to reporting back in years to come on how we are doing.


Mark Suzman


Chief Executive Officer Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


January 26, 2022


重点单词   查看全部解释    
conservative [kən'sə:vətiv]


adj. 保守的,守旧的
n. 保守派(党),

expectation [.ekspek'teiʃən]


n. 期待,期望

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

perennial [pə'reniəl]


adj. 四季不断的,继续多年的,永久的 n. 多年生植

enhance [in'hɑ:ns]


vt. 提高,加强,增加

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年

credibility [.kredi'biliti]


n. 可信,确实性,可靠

distribute [di'stribjut]


v. 分配,散布





