Climbing Hsinping Tower(Rewi Alley 译)
Li Pai
Leaving my native place, I came
and climbed the old tower here
at the end of autumn, thinking
of home; now it seems that
the day is long, and sunset far
away; looking down I see waves
that make me feel cold, and clouds
as if rising from the tips of trees;
then the smoke from the tents
of tribesmen rising over the waste;
standing here it as if I can see
ten thousand miles, yet sill
wondering where is my home.
Ascending Xinping Tower(许渊冲 译)
Li Bai
Leaving the capital, I climb this tower.
Can I return home like late autumn flower?
The sky is vast, the setting sun is far;
The water clear, the waves much colder are.
Clouds rise above the western-mountain trees;
O’er river dunes fly south-going wild geese,
The boundless land outspread ‘neath gloomy skies.
How gloomy I feel while I stretch my eyes!