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林超伦实战口译练习笔记(MP3+中英字幕) 第83期:电子商务演讲(下)

来源:可可英语 编辑:clover   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Nearly 50 million pounds of funding was announced recently for 64 partnership projects aimed at helping deliver better public services online.
  • [by:可可英语]
  • A number of them based on broadband services.
  • 旨在帮助传送更好公共服务在线的64家合作项目最近基金收入接近5000万英镑,
  • Local authorities are making the most of new technologies in providing more accessible services of better quality to the public.
  • 其中一些是基于宽带服务。
  • All Britain public Jibraries offer Internet access today, and around a quarter of them offer broadband access.
  • 当地机构使用最新技术为公众提供获取更方便,质量更好的服务。
  • If schools, surgeries and government offices in an area ail want to connect to broadband services, then suppliers can be persuaded to install broadband locally,
  • 现在英国所有的公共图书馆都提供网络进入,约有四分之一提供宽带进入。
  • so widening the infrastructure support at a local community level.
  • 如果所有区域的学校,诊所和政府机构都相连接宽带服务,那就能劝说供应商到当地安装宽带,
  • And it is interesting to see at the moment how local community campaigns around the country
  • 在区域社区水平增加基础设施支持。
  • are proving effective in pressuring the suppliers to deliver broadband and marshalling the demand to make it worthwhile.
  • 而且等全国当地社区运动把握需求使其有所值
  • I believe the strategy we are following will give everybody the opportunity to benefit from the development of the digital economy.
  • 增加影响迫使供应商传送宽带,是很有趣的。
  • If you go into a Job Centre today, you will find not those awful old boards with scruffy little postcards about local jobs,
  • 我相信我们执行的策略会让所有人有从数字化经济发展中获利的机会。
  • but smart kiosks providing information in a much more respectful way about jobs not just locally but right across the country.
  • 如果今天走进就业中心,你发现的不是陈旧而又不干净的当地工作的小卡片,
  • Those kiosks are part of the reason why unemployment fell again last month, despite everything that is happening in the world economy, to the lowest level for nearly thirty years.
  • 而是以更尊敬的方式提供有关当地和全国范围内的工作信息的柜台。
  • That is a good example of how we can use the digital transformation of our economy to benefit those
  • 这些柜台是上个月失业率又下降的原因,尽管世界经济的发展在过去近三十年间一直处于最低迷的状态。
  • who have been on the wrong end of the rich / poor divide in the past and ensure that we do not put a new digital divide in its place.
  • 这是我们我们使用经济数字转换的典型例子,
  • There will be many more community based benefits.
  • 使过去处在贫富差别下游的人获益,确保不会有新的数字分割。
  • Local medical centers, schools and libraries will all receive new and modem resources that the public can use.
  • 还有更多社区基础的利益。
  • Opportunities for small scale companies and new services will provide benefits for all the community.
  • 当地媒体中心,学校和图书馆能收到公众使用的新的现代资源。
  • Everyone has access to public libraries. Developments will be on a vast scale overall but individually they will be small and local in their impact.
  • 小规模公司和新服务的机遇能为所有社区获得好处。
  • And in the Government we are also working to match companies to community initiatives, which promote the Internet.
  • 每个人都能进入公共图书馆。整体规模会有很大的发展,但单独来讲他们的影响又是小型,本土的。
  • The UK online partnerships programmer has helped develop several initiatives, including the partnership between Age Concern and Abbey National to provide Internet access for older people.
  • 我们也努力在政府中斡旋让公司参与到社区主动性中,这样能提升网络。
  • So the Government’s vision is to see private and public sector organizations in the UK take account of their economic, social and environmental impact,
  • 英国在线伙伴项目已经帮助发展了几家主动参与公司,包括关注年龄和阿比国民银行为老年人提供网络进入的合作。
  • and takecom-plementary action to address key challenges based on their core competence一locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
  • 因此政府的意图是让英国的私营和国有区域机构能够发挥经济,社会和环境影响,
  • When I started my work at the DU in May, one of the things I came across in my reading material
  • 采取相应的措施在自身核心竞争力的基础上应对重要挑战---地方地,区域地,国家地,国际地。
  • was a remarkably prescient article from 1968 written by the American Internet pioneer JCR Licklider.
  • 我五月份开始英国贸工部的工作时,
  • Writing then about what he called the "interconnected electronic network", he said that it would prove to be a tremendous boon to mankind.
  • 阅读材料遇到的一件事就是1968年美国网络先驱JCR力克里德写的一篇有先见的文章。
  • But, he said, whether that potential was realized or not would depend on whether "to be online" was "a privilege or a right".
  • 他当时写道“内部连接的电力网络”,他说这将对人类有极大的好处。
  • The concern he raised is a pressing one today, 34 years later.
  • 但他又说道这一潜能能否实现取决于“上线”是“一项特权还是一项基本权利”。
  • And what we can see today is that we all need to work together—corporates acting in a responsible way,
  • 他提出的担忧也是34年后现在紧迫的问题。
  • Government and public organizations—to ensure that access to the digital economy will not be a privilege for a few, but will be an opportunity extended to every single person in our society.
  • 我们今天能看到的是我们需要一起努力---大公司负责任,
  • And we need to work together to achieve that.
  • 政府和公共机构---确保数字经济入口不是少数一些人的热泉,而是社会中每个人都有的机会。

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Nearly £ 50 million pounds of funding was announced recently for 64 partnership projects aimed at helping deliver better public services online. A number of them based on broadband services- Local authorities are making the most of new technologies in providing more accessible services of better quality to the public. All Britain public Jibraries offer Internet access today, and around a quarter of them offer broadband access.

If schools, surgeries and government offices in an area ail want to connect to broadband services, then suppliers can be persuaded to install broadband locally, so widening the infrastructure support at a local community level And it is interesting to see at the moment how local community campaigns around the country are proving effective in pressuring the suppliers to deliver broadband and marshalling the demand to make it worthwhile.
I believe the strategy we are following will give everybody the opportunity to benefit from the development of the digital economy. If you go into a Job Centre today, you will find not those awful old boards with scruffy little postcards about local jobs, but smart kiosks providing information in a much more respectful way about jobs not just locally but right across the country. Those kiosks are part of the reason why unemployment fell again last month, despite everything that is happening in the world economy, to the lowest level for nearly thirty years. That is a good example of how we can use the digital transformation of our economy to benefit those who have: been on the wrong end of the rich / poor divide in the past and ensure that we do not put a new digital divide in its place.
There will be many more community based benefits. Local medical centers, schools and libraries will all receive new and modem resources that the public can use. Opportunities for small scale companies and new services will provide benefits for all the community. Everyone has access to public libraries. Developments will be on a vast scale overall t but individually they will be small and local in their impact.
And in the Government we are also working to match companies to community initiatives, which promote the hitmen The UK online partnerships programmer has helped develop several initiatives, including the partnership between Age Concern and Abbey National to provide Internet access for older people.
So the Governments vision is to see private and public sector organizations in the UK take account of their economic, social and environmental impact, and takecom-plementary action to address key challenges based on their core competencelocally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
When I started my work at the DU in May, one of the things I came across in my; reading material was a remarkably prescient article from 1968 written by the American Internet pioneer JCR Licklider. Writing then about what he called the "interconnected electronic network", he said that it would prove to be a tremendous boon to; mankind But, he said, whether that potential was realized or not would depend on whether "to be online" was "a privilege or a right".
The concern he raised is a pressing one today, 34 years later. And what we can see today is that we all need to work togethercorporates acting in a responsible way, Government and public organizationsto ensure that access to the digital economy will not be a privilege for a few, but will be an opportunity extended to every single person in our society. And we need to work together to achieve that.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
transformation [.trænsfə'meiʃən]


n. 转型,转化,改造

pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

ail [eil]


vt. 使 ... 苦恼 vi. 苦恼,生病 n. 小病

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

boon [bu:n]


n. 恩惠 adj. 愉快的

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)





