Globalization has had a major influence on government behavior. The extent to which government in different political systems accepted the rules of globalization is quite remarkable. It has carried with it great benefits for China and for Asia, but, at the same time, has involved serious risks and costs.1
Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.2 //
We have had global corporations for decades. Once, a global corporation with subsidiaries in a number of countries would have those subsidiaries organized as a mirror image of itself.3 While many international companies are still organized in this traditional manner, change is under way and corporations who move too slowly will be left behind. //
Now a globalized company will have quite a different structure. The products or services may be the same. But instead of separating national units in different countries, there will be only one selling unit---the world. Some aspects of corporate activity will obviously be organized locally but the main frame ofthe corporation will be organized on a global basis, sourcing different production components from the best current source. //
The new global organization of industry has consequences for social policy.4 Many governments would have conducted policies designed to see that workers gained a fair share of the returns of an enterprise. With the globalization of industry, such policies are much more difficult to sustain. Governments now tend to arguer for lower wages, for smaller workforces, to maximize the competitiveness of their particular country as a home for global investment.5 //