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人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第28讲

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Mr. Secretary-General Annan,
Dr. Toepfer,
Mr. Reilly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a tremendous honor to be here tonight to accept this year'sUNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize from His ExcellencySecretary-General Annan. I deem the awarding of this prestigiousprize as recognition and affirmation by the United Nations and theinternational community of China's efforts and achievements inenvironmental protection and sustainable development. The honor isnot just for me. It goes to my country and to all my colleagueswho, by working tirelessly at their own positions, have contributed to the protection of the environment in China. //
I have worked in environmental protection for two decades. Thisperiod has witnessed vigorous advancement of the internationalenvironmental cause as well as remarkable development of theChinese economy. Rapid economic growth has brought with it gravechallenges to the environment. Problems that cropped up and weredealt with step by step in nearly a hundred years in developedcountries befell China within twenty years--all of them enormouslycomplex ones. //
The Chinese government, making environmentalprotection one of its basic national policies and sticking to thestrategy of sustainable development, has carried out large-scalepollution control and treatment and ecological restorationefforts. It has succeeded in curbing, by and large, the trend ofenvironmental deterioration and in improving the quality of theenvironment to some extent in a number of cities and regions whilesustaining rapid economic growth. Fortunate enough to be living insuch great times, I feel extremely proud and honored to havedevoted the best of my years to the worthy cause of environmentalprotection. //
Although remarkable progress has been achieved in protecting theenvironment and seeking sustainable development, China is stillfaced with serious problems of environmental pollution andworsening ecological deterioration. One particular challenge isthat new issues keep coming up before old ones have been solved.For the next two decades, China has set the goal of building awell-off society characterized by economic prosperity with thetotal economic output increasing fourfold, social progress, andharmony between man and nature. //
As the conventional mode ofdevelopment is bound to bring unprecedented pressure to bear onresources and the environment, the Chinese government hasestablished the concept of comprehensive, coordinated, sustainableand scientific development, taking a new path to industrializationfeaturing high scientific and technological content, good economicreturns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollutionand a full display of China's advantages in human resources. //
Toattain this goal, we shall spare no efforts in promoting circulareconomy based on the most efficient use of resources andenvironmental protection, sustainable production and consumption,strengthening the legal system as it pertains to the environment,rigorously enforcing relevant laws and regulations, publicizingenvironmental information, encouraging public participation inprotecting the environment, so as to provide our people with cleanwater, fresh air, safe food, and a healthy environment in which tolive and work. China's environmental protection is still anarduous task. The road ahead is long and tortuous. I will keepfighting to see these objectives fulfilled. //
I would like to thank UNEP for awarding me this SasakawaEnvironment Prize. I am ready to contribute the total sum of thisprize to the work of environment and education of the mostpoverty-stricken areas in the western regions of China. //
Ladies and Gentlemen, since the UN Conference on the HumanEnvironment was held in 1972, despite enormous efforts made by theinternational community, the global environment has been steadilydeteriorating. The acceleration of globalization has compoundedenvironmental degradation. These are challenges common to allhuman beings. In order to address these challenges, we should notonly have a sense of responsibility, political will, courage andvision, but also take concrete action. We hope the UNEP will playa greater role in the concerted efforts of all countries as well.//
We are fully aware that the best way for us to contribute to theprotection of the global environment is to do an excellent job inenvironmental protection in China. Therefore, we will further ourcooperation with the international community in a joint endeavorto protect the earth -- the common home of mankind.Thank you all very much. //
(Statement at the Presentation Ceremony of The 2003 UNEPSasakawa Environment Prize By Mr. Xie Zhenhua,Minister of StateEnvironmental Protection Administration of China)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

participation [pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən]


n. 参加,参与

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

acceleration [æk.selə'reiʃən]


n. 加速,促进,加速度

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

recognition [.rekəg'niʃən]


n. 认出,承认,感知,知识

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的





