Then in the autumn came the massive earthquake in Pakistan and India. This series ofdreadful events has brought loss and suffering to so many people and theirfamilies and friends—not only in the countries directly affected, but here inBritain and throughout the Commonwealth.
As if these disasters were not bad enough, I have sometimes thought that humanityseemed to have turned on itself—with wars, civil disturbances and acts of brutal terrorism. In this country many people's lives were totallychanged by the London bombings in July.
This Christmas my thoughts are especially with those everywhere who are grieving theloss of loved ones during what for so many has been such a terrible year. Thesenatural and human tragedies provided the headline news; they also provoked aquite remarkable humanitarian response. People of compassion all over the worldresponded with immediate practical and financial help.
There may be an instinct in all of us to help those in distress, but in many cases Ibelieve this has been inspired by religious faith. Christianity is not the onlyreligion to teach its followers to help others and to treat your neighbour asyou would want to be treated yourself. It has been clear that in the course ofthis year relief workers and financial support have come from members of everyfaith and from every corner of the world. There is no doubt that the process of rebuilding these communities is far from over and there will be fresh calls on ourcommitment to help in the future.
Certainly the need for selflessness and generosity in the face of hardship is nothingnew. The veterans of the Second World War whom we honoured last summer can tell us how so often, in moments of greatest trial, those aroundthem seemed able to draw on some inner strength to find courage and compassion. We see this today in the way that young men and women are calmly serving our country around the world often in great danger.
This last year has reminded us that this world is not always an easy or a safe placeto live in, but it is the only place we have. I believe also that it has shownus all how our faith-whateverour religion—can inspire us to work together in friendship and peace for thesake of our own and future generations.
For Christians this festival of Christmas is the time to remember the birth of theone we call "thePrince of Peace" and our source of "light and life" in both good times and bad.It is not always easy to accept his teaching, but I have no doubt that the NewYear will be all the better if we do but try. I hope you will all have a veryhappy Christmas this year and that you go into the New Year with renewed hopeand confidence.