词汇扩展 Vocabulary Development
温室气体 greenhouse gases
减排标准 emission reduction targets
《京都议定书》the Kyoto Protocol
碳 carbon
碳吸收 carbon sequestration
碳汇 carbon sequestration
温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emissions
排放贸易 emissions trading
酸雨 acid-rain
二氧化硫 sulfur dioxide
清洁发展机制 Clean Development Mechanism
气候变化 climate change
碳排放税 carbon taxes
全球变暖 global warming
可再生能源 renewable energy
能源效率 energy efficiency
生物能源 bio-based energy
环保汽车 clean cars
世界最大的排放国 the world’s leading emitters
燃料排放量 fossil fuel emissions
增加碳浓度 raise carbon concentrations
人均能源密度比 per capita energy intensity ratio
联合国《气候变化框架公约》UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
节约能源 conserve energy
可持续发展 sustainable development
污染物贸易 emissions trading
环保政策 environmental policy
九五计划中对主要污染进行总体控制的国家计划 National Plan of Total Emission Control for Major Pollutants in the Ninth Five-Year Plan
污染控制 pollution control
总体污染物控制 Total Emissions Control
跨世纪绿色投资计划 Trans-Century Green Investing Project
国家环保总局 the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA)