领导换届 the change of state leadership
抗击非典疫症 the combat against SARS
上任 to take office
里程碑 landmark
惊心动魄 soul-stirring
艰苦卓绝 arduous
坚定不移 steadfast
振兴经济 to revitalize the economy
勤劳、勇敢和智能 the assiduity, courage and wisdom
改善民主 improve people's livelihood
改善施政 improve standards of governance
珠江三角洲 the Pearl River Delta
民族振兴 national revival
义不容辞 unshirkable
干杯 cheers
欢聚一堂 join (together)
突如其来 No sooner than; come all of a sudden
小康 well-off; well-to-do; comfortably off
紓解民困alleviate people's hardships
化解民怨 redress public grievances
凝聚民心 improve social solidarity
经济转型 economic transformation/restructuring
主人翁姿态 role of master
繁荣昌盛thriving prosperity
抓紧/加快/推动 step up; speed up; promote
香港个人游 Individual Visits to HK
稳定楼市 stabilize property market
财政政策 fiscal policy
我们为此感到无比骄傲和自豪。Our pride and joy in this accomplishment is overwhelming.